GNBF5040 final exam review

Genomics: Basic Concepts and Applications
CUHK Student ID Update
1155228903 2024-12-02


1 Technology Platforms for Genomics

2 Genomic Data Analysis

3 Large Scale Genome Annotation Projects

4 Sequencing Data Analysis

5 Genome Assembly

6 Genetic Variations

7 Transcriptional Regulation & ChIP-seq

8 Epigenetics/Epigenome

9 Transcriptome Sequencing / RNA-Seq

FPKM=Number of fragments mapped to a geneTotal number of fragments×1,000,000Gene length in base pairs

10 Single Cell Sequencing

11 Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)

GR=Number of reads from chromosome of interestTotal number of reads×100%